Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Near yarn disaster!

So I posted last week about how I feared I'd run out of Binario to finish up the body of my Bad Penny. Yep, I did. I had gone through all four balls, and had about 4" left before I was ready to start the bottom band. I triple-checked my gauge, and I was dead on.

Problem was, the store I bought this yarn from closed two weeks after I bought it. So I spent 2 hours emailing yarn shops all over the country Monday night and posting pleas to various forums. No luck.

Yesterday evening, I ventured to the new yarn shop that opened and had purchased the first shop's inventory. I explained my predicament to them, and we went through several boxes of clearance yarn to no avail. I was just about ready to leave when someone came out of the back with 4 BOXES of Binario, one of them in #17, which is my color. And wouldn't you know it, it was even the same dyelot. So I'm saved!!!! I bought 2 more balls.

If anyone wants to do Bad Penny in the yarn the pattern calls for, they do have enough to do several more. From this shade card they have #17 (my color), 26, 28, and I think 12 or 15. It was $8.00/ball. A bit pricey, but it knits up wonderfully. The shop is Kniter's Mercantile and the phone number for the store is on their site--I don't think these yarns are on their website, so you'd have to call.

Also, as an FYI, it looks like I'll need 5 balls for the second smallest size, which calls for 4 according to the pattern. So you may want to have a bit extra no matter what yarn you're using, just in case. Learn from my mistake. :-)


Blogger Jennifer said...

Whew!! Glad you got what you needed!

2:08 PM  

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